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Terry Baxter to step down as Chair at the end of 2024

Terry Baxter has announced that he is to step down as Chair of Ipswich Central, the Business Improvement District, at the end of the year.

Terry has been an integral part of the Ipswich business community for over 30 years and leaves Ipswich Central to continue his role as Chief Executive at the respected Suffolk youth charity Inspire and to take up a new role as Chair of Suffolk New College.

Commenting on the announcement Terry said: “I was clear, when going into the last renewal in 2022, that it would be my last and that I would be vacating the role in plenty of time for a new Chair to take over ahead of any future ballot. We have recently appointed a new CEO for the business, Lee Walker, who has settled in well and now is the right time to move on.

"In the 11 years as Chair our town centre has faced serious challenges, the Cost-of-Living Crisis, the Covid pandemic and a seismic shift in society’s shopping habits. Although I am proud of much that we have achieved in supporting our members, I will be leaving with a deep sense of frustration that, in the recent past, Ipswich town centre has been held back from fulfilling its huge potential by a reluctance to accept that change needed to happen more quickly.

"Despite this, we have a team of committed individuals whose passion is to see Ipswich ‘do better’. We have a board who give their time freely to support our staff and so, under Lee’s direction, I am hopeful that, despite there being no ‘magic bullet’ when dealing with issues of town and city centre management, that better times are ahead providing all parties that have an influence in the town, work together. Ipswich Central as has always been the case, is ready to play its part.”

The process of recruiting for a new, non-exec chair is now underway. A job description and expression of interest form will be available on Monday 8 September.

Ipswich Central is also looking for additional board members. Those interested in joining the board should email outlining relevant skills, experiences and why they feel they would be suitable to help form the future strategy for the organisation.

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