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Call for Jubilee art for Cornhill display

In preparation of the upcoming Jubilee celebrations in Ipswich, we are inviting local residents to submit artworks that celebrate the Queen’s 70-year reign that will be used in a window display on the Cornhill.

The “Grimwade Building”, on the corner of the Cornhill in the heart of Ipswich town centre, will have a large design across the windows with six “frames” that will each house an Jubilee-themed artwork from a local artist or Ipswich resident. With the theme of the Queen, the specially-designed window display will showcase local artist talent and provide the perfect backdrop for events happening at on the Cornhill.

The competition is open to all ages, however it will be split into two age categories; under 16 and 16 and over. Six lucky winners, three from each category, will be selected and the artworks will be printed and installed during the month of May ahead of the Jubilee Weekend in June.

Sophie Alexander-Parker, CEO at Ipswich Central and All About Ipswich comments: “We’d like to encourage anyone with some creative flair to get involved in this Jubilee art competition. The winners will have their work presented in a prominent location in the heart of Ipswich town centre, and the designs will support the wider set of events that have been organised to help celebrate this momentous occasion.”


Send a scan, or a high-quality photo, of your artwork to All About Ipswich via email or via direct message on social media:

  • To submit via email: email with the subject line ‘Ipswich Jubilee Art Competition’ and attach the scanned image or high-quality photo
  • To submit via social media: send a direct message to @allaboutipswich on Facebook or Instagram, please begin the message with ‘Ipswich Jubilee Art Competition’ and include the scanned image or high-quality photo.

When submitting an artwork, please provide your details, or the details of the artist if you are submitting on their behalf:

  • Full name
  • Address
  • Email address
  • Phone Number
  • Short description of the artwork (size, materials used and inspiration)

Entry requirements:

  • The artwork must be original and complete
  • The artwork must NOT contain any copywrite protected imagery or wording
  • The artwork must be pencil, pen, paint, collage or digital drawing (photography will not be accepted)
  • The artist must live in Ipswich or in the surrounding area.

The closing date for submissions is Friday 6th May 2022.

For more information on the Platinum Jubilee Celebrations in Ipswich, please visit:

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For more information about the BID or if you have an enquiry please get in touch.